TWoP DW SoCal Con and other abbreviations

November 6th, Monday-Saturday, the 4th we had another TWoP SoCal Con and we got to see TORCHWOOD! Hmm. Kind of like X-FILES with a Welsh flair. Haven't decided if I like it yet. For those of you who don't know,, a website which has recaps of TV shows and forums for viewers. I frequent the DOCTOR WHO forums and the SoCal Con=Southern Callifornia Con, or meeting. So a bunch of us who live in the area got together and had hamburgers and hotdogs and watched TORCHWOOD, the DOCTOR WHO spinoff, starring John Barrowman as Captain Jack Harkness. So when I say "a bunch", I mean three of us who chat on the website and Daryl, who fits right in. (Strangely, it's three women. I keep waiting for SoCal guys to show up on the forums just for gender parity.) We're mostly science fiction fans so we also discussed other shows like HEROES, which is sort of an X-Men ripoff. But we all agreed the best character in that show is Hiro Nakamura, who can bend space and time. Somewhat similiar to the Doctor, actually. I've been a fan of DW since I was a kid and have seen most of the shows from Jon Pertwee's incarnation to a bit of Sylvester McCoy's tenure as the Doctor and even saw the movie that made me gasp as the Doctor actually kissed a woman. I immediately didn't like that, but the Christopher Eccleston Doctor had me wanting him to kiss his companion, Rose. Odd, that. And somehow watching the current incarnation kiss a bunch of people doesn't seem all that weird either. I'm still a big fan of the CE Doctor. There was just something so right about that, but, alas, he decided to do only one season. I do like David Tennant, but it's just not the same for me, I guess. I can't wait to see what happens next season.
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