Jeopardy and their pens

March 2nd, Friday - I auditioned for Jeopardy yesterday. I wasn't looking forward to it until Daryl told me that they might not pick me. And then I perked up. I forgot that they give you another written test when you get there and I got a question wrong that I should have gotten right. Ugh! I hate that when it happens. But we did get to play with the real buzzers that they use on the show in a few mock games. It was fun. Everyone got asked the same questions and one of the questions was "What will you do with the money if you win?" Almost everyone there said that they'd travel. It was a little sad because it just means that people here in America don't ever get to go anywhere. Although I kept wanting someone to say that they'd try to double their money in Vegas. That would have been hilarious. I'm pretty sure they won't pick me, so I'm relieved and I got a pen out of it!
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