Stella! And Shogun Sushi!

April 22nd, Saturday-Today we meet up with my cousin Stella, who is here visiting from Chicago. She tells me that we have another cousin in the area who owns a sushi restaurant near Anaheim called Shogun Sushi. Now, I have to explain something. I have many, many cousins. Both my mother's family and my father's family have more than 4 siblings and my father's mother was the second wife. The first wife had a number of children too, and most of the relatives from her I have never met. I also have cousins on my mother's side, who, while I met them when I was an infant, haven't met them since. And they have kids, who I also haven't met. Watch out people, you never know when you might run into one of my many relatives. Actually, neither do I. Daryl and I get to Shogun Sushi impossibly quickly. We estimated 45 minutes. We got there in 20. Very, very odd. Stella was running late because they were driving back from a short stay in Las Vegas and missed an exit. Daryl and I wiled away the time with shopping. We stopped by the local Staples and bought a shredder and a digital camera. This is what happens when we're left on our own for an hour in a mini-mall. We spend our time learning how to use the camera. It's terrific! Here is the first photo.

Stella and her boyfriend, Diego show up in a Ford Mustang right after Daryl mentions that this town must be a Mustang haven, because he'd seen five in the last half hour of waiting. Diego had to leave to meet up with his mother's best friend, so it was just us three. We had a great meal although I coudn't finish the spicy tuna roll. Man that was seriously spicy! Love the burn! Love the burn! And then our cousin shows up. I don't know Korean so she mostly speaks to Stella, and talks about....exercise? Is it LA? What's with the exercise talk anyway? She eventually moves on to other topics, her two sons, her husband who is working behind the sushi bar. By the way, the both of them look terrific. Maybe that explains the exercise talk? Anyway, they want to comp us the meal, but we surreptitiously leave money behind a glass on the table as we leave. We then drive Stella back to her hotel where we relax and chat about her horoscope and what the 50 best jobs are according to Money magazine. Stella is trying to get her real estate license and eventually hopes to get a house with another one of my cousins, Hoon, who likes to be called Jack. I love that she's such a go-getter! Atta girl! Eventually, Diego arrives and when I can see him nodding off when we are talking to him we finally decide we should let the boy get some sleep.
Tomorrow is brunch with Stella, Diego, and another cousin, David, who is going to Pepperdine and wants to be a lawyer. Seriously, I've got a lot of cousins.
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