Third Day of Bunny

March 26th, Sunday-Today was the bunny shoot. 8:30a! We got caffeine before we began because, well, who wouldn't? Christian says I'm the photographer and hands me his camera. We tell him that I'm bad with a camera and basically I'm doing it because I'm available and I'm going to be around. So we're off and before we know it, Daryl's undressing in public in Pershing Square in downtown LA. We have a lovely bow tie for him now and he looks great. We shoot lovely little girls fighting over Easter goodies and they are adorable. They love the Bunny. There are some protesters that walk by and they ask us to take pictures of them with the Bunny. Complete strangers seeing us with cameras walk into the shots and ask Bunny to take a picture with them. I have to shoo them out of the way. I'm hidden in the shot behind a walkway wall and guarding the bags. Then there's another set of kids that fight near a fountain and Daryl dances towards them in the outfit. The various people in the park watch with interest. These kids are cute too and in between takes they pretend they are explorers. Christian makes Daryl prance around the park, peek behind trees, hop around, and dance around the fountain. He does a fantastic job. And he's also suffocating in the Bunny head. He asks me to take a picture of him in the Bunny suit with the Sidekick so that he can post it on his blog. (Check it out!) Then we go off to another location and this time we need mikes. The mom and kid actors appear and meanwhile we realize that we're in the middle of a real estate push and there are tons of people walking around taking tours of lofts in the area. Christian is nearly beside himself what with the noise and the passersby. Luckily for us the real estate people don't mind us moving their signs around a bit and are nice enough to get out of the shot when we need them to. In between shots, Daryl gets a small break so we take a tour of one of the lofts which was nearly $3500/month of for a 2-bedroom loft with a tiny kitchen and what seemed to me to be a tiny layout for the price. But then again I'm not going to live right across the street from the Staples Center. We leave the tour early, giggling at how not worth it the apartments were. Then we shoot some more footage of Daryl walking down the streets and then we're off to yet another location where Bunny will be walking with a pinata. Seriously. Here the street is full of children and while the majority of them just want a hug there are a few who just feel like it's ok to take anything out of the Easter Basket. Unfortunately, one of the little children in the movie got really frightened of Bunny, but the rest of the kids were great. One of them loved Bunny so much we had to tear him away so we could get more shots done. Spectators were funny too and many of them asked to take pictures with Bunny, to which he obliged, but at one point Daryl was ready to suffocate and was dying in the suit and this guy unloaded two vans full of children to take a picture. It took forever. Poor Daryl. (More pictures can be found at:
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