Spiderman 3
May 15th, Tuesday-Daryl and I went to see Spiderman 3. I liked this movie, but it wasn't nearly as good as the first two. First of all, I started hating MJ. Kirsten Dunst has got to be bored with being the "girl in peril" and screaming at greenscreens these days. But I did like the ending with Harry. I was surprised at the whole Venom storyline as there is a specific reason behind Venom's appearance in the comic, but it appears that the black goo chooses Peter at random. And this is a kid that also randomly got bit by a radioactive spider. Topher Grace was good and I felt that his burning resentment and jealousy makes sense. And while I liked Sandman's sorrowful existence, (The poor guy can't even die, apparently.),I just wish we had one villain at a time. The way Venom and Sandman pair up at the end makes no sense to me at all. And I kind of laughed that Peter's descent into evil was exhibited by him eating lots of cookies, disco dancing on the sidewalk (Seriously, it was so cringeworthy, I really hope Tobey Maguire asked for hazard pay.), and dancing spitefully, but not by him actually doing anything illegal or seriously bad. But I guess Spiderman's journey is always an emotional one and his "evil" side would hurt the person he loved most emotionally rather than physically. It's just funny that Peter is so lame at being evil. He just can't do evil, I suppose. As usual, the effects are spectacular. The opening fight with The New Goblin was very well done and TM has many expressions for being afraid and not wanting to really hurt someone. (Those big eyes can emote!) Poor Bryce Dallas Howard gets a girl in peril role that really doesn't show off her talents, but maybe they'll pick her character up in the next movie. If they make a next movie. Maybe Sam Raimi has more that he wants to say about Spiderman that he hasn't already said. I can only hope he doesn't leave the series on this note. We all know he's better than that.
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