November: Mexican Wrestlers and Thanksgiving

November 1st, Thursday - We went to go see Lucha VaVoom! I love this show so much. It's all about Mexican wrestlers and burlesque dancers. So entertaining. Click on the link and see if it's something you think you'll like.
November 22nd, Thursday - I love Thanksgiving! It was just Daryl and me making a huge amount of food. We didn't do a turkey this year and it was nice. I just heated up a roast (From US Wellness meats! Grass-fed beef only. It's really good. Honest.) and it was delicious. Mo also stopped by before she left town, which was nice. And then we watched a bunch of movies. It was a lot less stressful for me this year, I have to say. I even got a good night's sleep the day before. But, it wasn't to last. I got a phone call at 9p to go into work the next day! I'll spare you the details, but I was grumpy and Daryl was lonely. Boo.
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