Thursday, the 6th-Happy B-Day Mary Anne! Today I was determined to see Sergio Leone's ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST. But I had a terrible allergy attack and was miserable almost all day. I think it started when I cleaned the floors. I was sniffly and my eyes were tearing up. By the time I was done, I had used up a box of tissues and a number of paper towels. We rushed to the screening in Santa Monica at the Aero Theater and I grabbed a bunch of napkins at a nearby coffee shop to use to blow my nose because the full packet of tissues in my purse were completely used up on the ride over. (I threw up in the car from coughing so much. This is how bad it was.) When we got into the movie theater I grabbed another handful of napkins from the concessions stand. Imagine sniffing and getting nowhere with it and then having a runny nose that you just cannot control and that is what I was dealing with for most of the evening. I rummaged through my purse and found a ZYRTEC from a long, long time ago and took it when the movie started. It took an hour before it took effect and by the end of the movie I had used up all of my napkins. I was determined to see this movie. The movie is great. Long lingering shots of people's eyes, terrific action sequences, and some of the funniest lines from Jason Robards ever. And Charles Bronson is terrific doing an "imitation" of Clint Eastwood. He doesn't even have a name. People call him Harmonica because he plays it in the movie. And Henry Fonda plays a villian! How could it not be great? I even made Daryl stay another day so that he could see it with me. I recommend it to all.
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