Tuesday, May 02, 2006


April 30th, Sunday-Daryl found a group on the internet that gets together and plays boardgames. Today is a day of games at The Moose Lodge in Burbank. We get there and it's like Daryl has discovered Nirvana. (The ineffable ultimate in which one has attained disinterested wisdom and compassion, not the band.) There are boxes of games on tables that line the side of the room. There are many games and some of them we've never even heard of. There are snacks at the door and a large number of people playing the games. There's a fee, but it's nominal and we're happy to pay it. This group also does book clubs, walking workouts, bowling, you name it. Daryl's just happy to play with other people. He even gets to play Robo Rally with, I think, eight other people. It's a fun crowd and we meet Jen, who runs the group with her husband Brian. Jen plays a game called Wooly Buly, with us and it's like Carcassone lite, and it's fun. And cute. It's got little cartoon sheep on the tiles. Daryl wins. I then play Europe in 10 Days with Rosemary, Erin, and Jen, while Daryl plays Robo Rally. I then play Taboo, with the same crowd and Christy, Newton, Lynn, and Mary. It was electronic Taboo where it was all in a little computer that could keep track of correct answers, buzzes, and passes. We played a few games of this while Daryl plaed Robo Rally. Then I played, with the same crowd, another game called Squint, wherein you had to use cards with various shapes drawn on them to describe a word on a stack of cards. It was difficult. I think I got one point. The winner got 8. Yikes. Daryl and I then took a break to get dinner and then came right back to play another game called Privateer. By this time it was around 9p, so we had to take off. But fun! They do this every month! Daryl was so happy. He didn't even want to leave.


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