Gladstone's and Lunch with the Cousins

April 23rd, Sunday-Daryl and I get to Gladstone's, a seafood restaurant in Malibu, to meet up with David, a cousin, and Stella, another cousin, and Diego, Stella's boyfriend. Daryl and I arrive way too early and while we are waiting we see David ride up to us on a skateboard. I'm surprised to see him not driving up in a car. I think, hey look, it's a kid on a these days....hey, wait a minute, that's my cousin...boy am I old. He's going to take his finals next week and the LSATs later this summer. Man, this kid has got it together. And he tells me that his little brother, Christopher, is really into film and has done a bunch of short movies that are really good. I wonder where he's going to go to school? Hmmmm. Diego is in a bit of a pickle because he hates seafood. We are all glad to find burgers and a chicken sandwich on the menu. Daryl and I brought our laptop so that Stella could see The Easter Bunny's Revenge. She couldn't get her computer to download it so we brought her a DVD copy and played it on our laptop. Our waiter even stayed to watch. Afterwards, we gave all of the leftovers to David. If food is going to disappear, it's going to disappear fastest in a frat house. Stella and Diego had some time to kill so we took them to the 3rd Street Promenade where I hope to see the Psychic Cats. (Yes. They are cats and they are advertised as being psychic. I swear it is true.) Alas, it is not to be. But it's not all disappointing because I stop at one of the FOUR coffee shops, TWO of which are Starbucks, within a three block strip. Soy chai latte, you are so tasty, you are like crack to someone like me. I cannot resist. Diego and Stella now have to catch their plane after waiting for me to get my drink. Seriously, the line at the second Starbucks was insane. That place must be making money like crazy. We all say goodbye and hug and hope that they don't get lost after we gave them directions. We follow them for a bit just to make sure. Sigh. I miss Stella.
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