LA Metro Buses 717 and 163

May 4, Thursday-Today I worked at Disney again. Since it was only a one day job, I decided to take the bus. Now, the last time I took the bus I had to catch the bus at 7:30a and then got to Burbank at 9:45a and it was horrible. I had to take three buses and one of the stops was on a scary corner. (Look, I'm a short Asian lady. Anyone could take me. I'm soft and small, like a marshmallow. That you can crush. So almost all strangers are scary.) Anyway, it was with not a little bit of trepidation, that I went on to check out a different route. I've been walking around the neighborhood recently and I've discovered that the walk to the local Starbucks takes only ten minutes and it's right on a corner for a bus stop, Fairfax Av/Olympic Blvd (and San Vincente. That's where the two roads meet up.) I enter that corner into the Trip Planner and put in the Disney Channel building as the destination. They give me a route that has only two buses and it gets me to Burbank faster. Still skeptical, I take the Metro Rapid 717 at 8:24a to Hollywood/Highland and then take the Metro Bus 163 to Burbank and I get there at 9:11a. Perfect. I am amazed that this worked. I get to sleep in a little more and I get there a lot sooner. And today the bus is only 10 minutes late, not 45 minutes late like last time. And it only cost $3-for the entire day. Of course the return trip was not was problem free as they had re-routed traffic due to some kind of shindig at Mann's Chinese Theater. It annoyed me greatly as there was no sign as to where the bus would pick up people. I had to wait and then when I discovered the new bus stop I couldn't cross the street in time and I missed it. Grrr. I hate shindigs. But now I don't hate the buses here. I just dislike them a little. Unless it's a Rapid and then I only have like for it.
Oh, and I finished my 12 week weight training/yoga program (4 days/week), which actually took more like 17 weeks since I lost 2 to illness and added more to make up for it. Did I lose any weight? I don't think so. In fact, I think I may have actually gained weight. And now my lower back is giving me issues. I thought exercise was supposed to be good for you. All those exercisers are total liars. But it's nice to finish something. I think my biceps are bigger, which was not the goal I had in mind. I mean, my arms are big enough as it is. And I still can't tip my wok with one arm. (That was the goal, btw.) Of course, next week I start the 12 week program over again. That wok isn't going to tip itself.
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