Protest! En Espanol!

May 1st, Monday-Hey, hey, hey, it's protest day! Is there anyone around to
cut your lawn?
pick your fruit?
clean your house?
wash your dishes?
help you move?
No? Well, maybe it's because they're all out protesting in the hopes that they'll get to continue to do all the work you'd rather not do. Let's support that, people, because we all know what a pain it is to wash your own dishes. Or at least, we will after today.

After figuring out an alternate route for Daryl to get to Burbank, I walk to my friend Christian's. He's planning to take some pictures of the protest. The protestors walked from Wilshire and Alvarado (downtown) to Wilshire and LaBrea, which is near where Christian lives (Wilshire and Fairfax). We walk out, since driving would be insane, all the way to LaBrea and immediately see huge crowds of people, almost all in white tops, walking down the road. You cannot even see the end of the line of people, they just keep coming and coming. Some Fox News Reports stated that the crowd consisted of about 75,000 people, but I think it was around a million. (Fox News strangely also seemed to concentrate on whether or not the protestors were going to be violent. Very weird. Everyone was very well-behaved, I mean, people brought their babies! No one was going to cause any problems.) It was very surreal, to be walking on Wilshire like this. I even saw Martin Sheen. Christian even got a picture. (I forgot I had a phone that could take pictures.) We kept walking east trying to avoid getting caught up in the waves of people pushing in the other direction towards La Brea where there were a bunch of speakers, including the mayor. Christian also kept pointing out the hotdogs with bacon wrapped around them that the hotdog sellers were selling. It smelled great, btw. And the lines were huge. Christian told me that a bunch of them had run out earlier, which almost never happens. Anyway, the protest was fun, we should encourage the government to allow these immigrants to stay, because, I mean, really, it was A MILLION PEOPLE. We'd be stupid not to. Speaking of stupid, I finally realized I had a cameraphone and started taking pictures. Christian and I knew it was time to leave when a lady started singing, and it seems that a lot of other people felt the same way. (Although it could have been the cold from the sudden fog and the sunset and the late hour, but I don't know. I think it was the singer.)

Something to think about, eh?
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