Clearing Winter Storm

January 21st, Sunday - We went to the Gene Autry Museum to see the exhibit on Yosemite and watch my friend's film on Hetch Hetchy Valley. (Sometime after the Great Fire 1906 in San Francisco, the government demanded that Hetch Hetchy Valley be dammed up to be a reservoir to provide water for the city and the surrounding area. John Muir, the great conservationist who had lobbied hard to keep all of Yosemite, including Hetch Hetchy Valley, pristine, was against the dam project. But it went ahead anyway. Now there's a movement to get rid of the dam and restore the valley to it's original state. My friend did the editing for the film and I also worked on it.) We couldn't get in because it was sold out, but we did get to see the exhibit. Our favorite picture was the Ansel Adams photograph above.
Here's the original website: .
And here's the Wiki entry on Hetch Hetchy: .