Wednesday, April 4th-We bid the family goodbye and then prepped to drive up to SF for a wedding. We didn't initially plan to go to SF, but when we heard that Elise and Mike were looking for witnesses for their WEDDING we decided we had the time. And we heard this about a week ago, so all of this is pretty last minute. For me at least. And we got there just in time for Game Night.

Thursday, April 5th-Elise and Mike got married at City Hall with us as witnesses and their families present. It was a pretty funny process. They give you a number and when your number is called you go get married. Like a deli. Except not. Anyway, they got married in the rotunda of City Hall which was lovely and afterwards Elise's mom treated us all to a meal at Max's.

Friday, April 6th-Daryl and I went to the Conservatory of Flowers and the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park. The Conservatory of Flowers had a special Orchid exhibit and it was lovely. And the cherry blossoms and azaleas were in bloom in the Tea Garden. It was a day of flowers. And games. Michael, Chris, and even Mia, however briefly, joined the regular Game Night crowd and socialized with us.

Saturday, April 7th-We met up with Robb, Kellee, Debbie, & Jill at the Farmer's Market and chatted and caught up with each other. Jill had lost a whopping 95 pounds since the last time I saw her and she looked great. Robb finally told us what super secret game he worked on when he went to Paramount studios last year. Kellee just found out she had to file a self-employed tax (Whoops!), and Debbie was making plans to go to Italy in the fall. We had a nice meal and margaritas at Chevy's at the Embarcadero and then drove Robb, Kellee, & Debbie to tea at Samovar and then to Robb & Kellee's apartment which was in a bit of disarray because Kellee was creating a human-size tulle coccoon in the living room. I loved that their apartment had flashcards in Spanish, too. And Pamela the rabbit was visiting the house so we payed our respects to her. Then we had a quick dinner with my sister at Park Chow after dropping Debbie off at her place. Too bad we had to rush off to see Rik who had only a small window of available time for us. Luckily, we got Robb & Kellee to join us at Michael and Rik's place where Chris and Jeannie were already in attendance. So you know it was a night of much laughter. It also helped that the cats were very entertaining. (Daryl was pretty sick and was coughing pretty badly. His brother most likely gave him this cold when he was visiting last week.)
Sunday, April 8th-Easter. We had a nice brunch with the newlyweds and then we were off to LA to drop into our beds. Little did we know that Easter traffic, while not as bad as the Sunday after Thanksgiving, was definitely more crowded than our trip up. We got home at 10:30p. Poor Daryl drove sick the entire time.