February 2008: Anniversary, Rats, Parades and Tournaments

February 3rd, Sunday - Our First Kiss Anniversary! Daryl and I celebrate this anniversary mostly because it was a pretty memorable event for the both of us. It was a useful marker for the years when we weren't married. Now that we are married, we tend to like this anniversary better, just because it seems like much more fun. Anyway, in keeping with longstanding tradition, we went to Crustatcean and had the garlic crab and butterflied prawns. (Crustacean has restaurants in LA and SF, lucky us!) I got a bit tipsy and had to lean on Daryl as we left the restaurant. I really do have the best husband ever.

February 6th, Ash Wednesday - Lent begins. I decide not to have any candy. We'll see how well I do.

February 7th, Thursday - It's the Year of the Rat! (4705) Actually, I like rats. They're smart little guys. I wouldn't want any wild one roaming my apartment, mind you. But you have to admit, that they are clearly out to survive.
February 9th, Saturday - The Chinese New Year Parade. I got some lovely decorations, but it wasn't as much fun this year without Christian and Daryl. And it was unusually hot! I really wanted to get a little gold rat with a gold cake on his belly, but they were all out of them. I did buy a very bad Mickey Mouse imitation cell phone decoration, though. It was pretty funny. I have it up in the room at work. All in all, the decorations for the Year of the Pig were cuter by far, than the ones for the Year of the Rat. I guess lots of people didn't think Remy in Ratatouille was cute enough.
February 10th, Sunday - Daryl qualifies to go to Vegas to the APA Tournament! Yay!
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