Back to the non-existent grindstone
Tuesday, the 30th-Well, now we are looking for work again and I got a very promising email from Fox Movie Channel and I finally got in touch with Christian's contact at Disney, so I'm hopeful. But it's not like we have actual work so it was really just a lazy day for us. I did go and check up on Christian's house. He's away at Burning Man until after Labor Day so I went to fix his mail and make sure everything was ok. It was ok even though it looked like a hurricane went through there. I guess he did some sort of ritual/party before he left because the whole place was strewn with rose petals. And even though he asked to stop his mail, he kept getting it so it turned out to be a big pile. Daryl had to go off and finish the movie he's working on even though he hasn't gotten all of the music from the composer yet. And keep in mind the pay here is deferred which is just as good as saying "for free." I just hope something good comes of it. Mo stopped by and we both caught up on what's been going on with each other and had a nice dinner together at Koo Koo Roo. I hadn't seen her since before she left for her family trip to Bamff, in Canada. She said it was just like Yosemite but less crowded. Sounds good to me and I haven't even seen Yosemite.
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