Monday, September 05, 2005

Non-Labor Day

Monday, the 5th-Well, it's Labor Day and neither Daryl nor I have any actual real labor, or to be honest, real money-earning labor, but we did relax today. Daryl will continue to work on the movie as long as he continues to get the music and audio from the composer and editor, but I think it's taking a toll as the facility Daryl's using is getting a little antsy about the whole "no money" job thing. I tried to do some more tutorials at Christian's but got distracted and organized his CDs instead. Is this a problem? Although I do have to say that it's nice that we finally finished playing Myst IV. It's basically all we did Saturday and Sunday. It makes me sad that there aren't going to be anymore Myst games like that for a long time. They made another game, but it seems to be not as much fun and you actually have to create an avatar, which seems beside the point for me. And then I found out they had to fire everyone because they have no money. So, I guess it'll be while before we get any new Myst games without avatars. In the meantime, I've been keeping up with Red Vs. Blue and I can't help feeling it's getting better and better.


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