Halloween at Disney

Friday, the 28th-I love Disney. When I got into work, the first thing I saw was a pumpkin on the desk. There was a pumpkin decorating contest for the floor and you had 2 and 1/2 hours to decorate the pumpkin using only the materials in your office and without carving or cutting into the pumpkin. One of the clients got so involved in helping me with my pumpkin that she didn't want to work. I opened up a VHS tape and used the tape to create a mummified pumpkin and used the reels to create Mickey ears. This took about 1/2 hour. Adam, who works there as well, just covered his up with sticky notes so that he could bring home the pumpkin to his girlfriend unscathed. (I took Kyle's pumpkin, the guy I was substituting for.) It was so much fun. I can't believe they're paying me to be here. And, they had a party and brought in food so I also had a free lunch. And it was Mexican, so I could eat it. I was so thrilled. I didn't win, but I got to keep my pumpkin which was awesome.
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