Starbucks addiction

May 7th, Sunday-Recently, I've become addicted to Starbuck's iced soy chai latte. I haven't found anyone else who makes it as good as they do. Man, that is some good chai. Plus, they have a great iced herbal passion tea. And it's portable! Going to Starbuck's gets me out of the house so I've been going there for a drink and then I read a bit, and then walk home. Boring? Yes, but it gets me out of the house. And then on the weekends, Daryl and I play Scrabble in the afternoon. (One day, Frame, you are going to lose this game to me, Mr. Scrabble on the third turn.) In fact, I go there so often they all know me now. I even bought one of their steel thermos cups. Grande sized. I am such a naughty consumer.
You may be wondering if this is all I am doing. It isn't, but I'm still not working. Sigh.
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