Taiko Drums
Sunday, the 17th-We went to see the Taiko Drum concert at the Japan American Center. We got there early so we decided to duck into an Anime shop to see what they had. Well, apparently they have little Japanese schoolgirl outfits in the back along with the porn...and some anime up in front. OK, moving on. We met up with Christian and his friend from Japan, Kimiko, who just likes to travel to various places on her own. With limited English and just off the plane, we subjected her to a few hours of intense drumming. Welcome to America! The drumming was really good and I have to say that the SF Taiko group was the best one, technically up to snuff. The kids were just fun and how can you not love a 7 year old pounding away a rhythm just as loud as a 17 year old? And let me tell you that 7 year old was adorable and just a little bit bigger than the drum she was pounding. We got to eat Vietnamese afterwards and we were lucky that the waiter happened to know how to speak Japanese. Score one for the Vietnamese place!
Saw the movie NATIONAL TREASURE, which was ok and fun but I couldn't figure out why it was such a big hit. Maybe it was because all of the other movies at the time were lousy, or sequels. After a while, sequels just become tiring, I guess.
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