Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Barneys and "Gog"

Tuesday, the 20th-We spent some time more time with the twins at Aunt Irene's Bed and Breakfast and then hugged Daryl's mom and stepdad goodbye. They had a long drive ahead of them and were anxious to leave. Poor Daryl. He misses his mom and there never seems to be enough time to spend with her. We stayed behind to have dinner with Aunt Irene, Jeff, Jenny, and their kids, Mason and Marryn. Later on Daryl played with Jeff and Matt and eventually, Mason on the Playstation. Mason really held his own and Marryn and I watched Shrek 2 in the other room. Apparently, Marryn calls Shrek, "Gog", so I guess we were really watching "Gog 2".


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