Chicago friends
Saturday, the 17th-The Gumski's Bed and Breakfast is the best place be if you're visiting Chicago, I highly recommend it. Nathan made us all a lovely breakfast of eggs, bacon, and toast. (No toast for me, of course. Although I did get to bake my own bread, courtesy of The Gumskis.) and then we visited our friends The Hendersons, or "Chicago" Dave and his wife Danielle. Now, they have a huge 5 bedroom house (Formerly owned by a restoration expert, so it's beautiful. They didn't have to remodel anything at all, or even repaint.) and a finished basement with a pinball machine AND an old arcade console that had games from 20 different arcade games from the 80's, like Ms. PacMan, Centipede, Galaga, Qix, etc. I couldn't pull Daryl away from it. We were there for 5 hours. And I had to get Daryl to leave so we could buy a few presents for his family. Finally, after much cajoling and, yes, nagging, we went and got the gift and were only gone for a half hour. Then we went to another friend's holiday party, Gina, where we saw even more friends and had a lovely time catching up and seeing her new condo, which was really lovely. Then we went back to The Hendersons for more games, which was unfortunately cut short by our sleepy (and sloppy) playing and the fact that Dave got a technical help call from his sysadmin, which was going to take hours. So we called it a night.
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