More Games and Gamers and Scrabble at Starbucks

May 21st, Sunday-Today, Daryl and I met another couple that likes to play board games, Toh Hean and Julia. We played a game called Ingenious, which I failed to take a picture of, and then a game called Guillotine, which I also failed to take a picture of. We spent a nice few hours playing and then when Julia and Toh Hean left to go see a movie, Daryl and I played two games of Scrabble. I beat him in a very close game and I failed to take a picture of that one as well. Then, Daryl wins the second game and that's the game I take a picture of. If I win a game of Scrabble, but don't take a picture of it, does it mean I really won? Yes. But next time I'm getting photographic proof.
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