Poverty and a Little Red Dog
Wednesday, the 27th-Well, it finally cooled down...a little. We actually went to bed last night feeling like normal human beings for a change. And the cat is back to her frisky, evil self. She knocked down a shelf in the bedroom and then slowly walked out as if we hadn't all heard the loud CRASH! BANG! just a second before. Heehee. Apparently, July is the slow month here. Everyone is on vacation. In fact, Christian will be gone for around 10 days. It's actually gotten to the point where Daryl and I were looking around the apartment to see what we could pawn. That's what I get for paying for my own health insurance. My mother insists that I should just go without. We'll see what happens in the next month because if this continues, then I probably won't be able to afford it anyway. On the other hand, my mother has offered to buy us an air conditioner, so we all know what her priorities are. We still have to see if we can find one to fit in our silly windows. I haven't been working, but Christian has set me up with a bunch of books and free use of his computer so I've been learning a little bit about After Effects. I'm hoping to get through that book and another book on Final Cut Pro before the end of next week. It took me all day to make a little red dog walk across the screen, back up, and sniff a ball, all the while wagging its tail. Sounds fascinating, doesn't it? But I was literally clapping my hands and hopping for joy. I suppose it means I was meant to do this sort of thing for a living.
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